Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
University portrait
University portrait
A picture of a university
Portrait photographs for the illustrated book of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (FRA-UAS), 2014-2015
Everyone knows the FH Frankfurt. But does everyone also know the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences? When the university renamed itself in 2014, it launched an accompanying communications campaign. Both externally, to anchor the renaming in the public eye. But also internally, to ensure broad acceptance among teachers, staff and students.
And who could do this better than the people at the FRA-UAS themselves? The communications consultancy Mandelkern, which was responsible for the renaming campaign, designed an illustrated book in which the university’s “ambassadors” have their say. Here, a foreign student explains why he chose this particular university. A professor talks about her fantastic research work. And administrative staff describe why they want to work here and nowhere else.
Mandelkern commissioned me to create portraits of the more than three dozen ambassadors and atmospheric images of the campus. Mandelkern himself was in charge of the editorial part. Over several months of close collaboration, a finely coordinated world of images and text was created in which the ambassadors turned their place of work and study into an experience.